The Quester Manifesto

Preface (Out of Character Rules)

Since the establishment of this document inside the game itself, it has become obvious that players and other people can disrupt the RPG and the room from outside the game as well as inside. For that, the following rules have been made. Breaking any of these rules will result in punishment. What the punishment is, exactly, is managed on a case by case basis.

1. Any disagreement with the GM is to be taken up with the GM only and will be solved before one of the other party leaves. If one makes a comment and leaves without warning, the argument is nullified and the player will receive punishment as it falls under the catagory of 'Flaming'.

2. Any player that has a disagreement with another player must be resolved in PM as it shouldn't involve anyone else. If the Players cannot resolve it and choose to fight in the main room, the GM will resolve it to his liking.

3. Any outside issue regarding the player's life will remain outside. We trust you'll use your best judgement to figure out if you can enter the room and not explode at people because you had a bad day. Yelling at players will be punished under the GM to what he sees fit. Remember, just because you had a bad day doesn't mean the other players should as well.

4. Characters are just characters and are not to be taken personally. If you feel a character is out of place, talk to the player of the character. If nothing is resolved, take it up to the GM and the GM will decide if action needs to be taken. Flaming a character because you don't like them results in a punishment by the GM.

5. Harrassment of any form has "Zero" tolerance. If you are found harrassing a player, the GM will severely punish you if not remove you from the RP itself permanently.

6. Cursing is allowed, however it is not to be overused, nor used in an obscene way. Racial slurs and the like are equally untolerated. If you're unsure whether a word is allowed, ask the GM.

7. Rules are set in place so the players can enjoy the RP to it's full extent. If you have an issue reguarding or any questions the rules set in place, contact the GM directly so you may discuss why the rules are set in the first place. Coming into the channel and complaining about the rules will not be tolerated by the GM.


This is the document which all current Questers must abide by. It has a list of rules and regulations which are to prevent a recurrance of the events of Seasons 1-6, in which the Questers caused most of the bad events by practicing in cursed magic, used devices which damaged the fabric of dimensional existance, and by betraying their comrades and using their newly-found powers to terrorize the world. All previous Questers to this are officially pardoned for whatever actions they did; but for those who are to be Questers in this time, this document must be followed to the letter.

That said, recent changes in the world of the Questers have relaxed these rules a bit, although anyone who does abuse them is subject to punishment by one of many regulatory agencies that protect Nintendus.

Loyalty and Governance

The Questers, above all, have been known to have the occasional traitor or deserter. In normal organizations, this usually doesn't hurt the world too much; but with the Questers, it fueled an entire faction of angry, bitter, and confused people. Due to that, these rules have been made. These are the highest and most important level of rules; those who break them will be dealt with severly.

1. No Quester may leave the organization without express approval from Metal Man.
2. No anti-Quester organization, regardless of whether it consists of former Questers, can exist.
3. No Quester may use their resources to construct a military empire.
4. The qualifications of Quester staff is not open to debate by the Questers.
5. Only Metal Man can choose who succeeds him.
6. Quester property is to be used only by the Questers or by those with permission.
7. No Quester is allowed to leave headquarters without notifying the Quester staff; furthermore, leave of HQ can be denied at any time.
8. Questers are not allowed to access areas of HQ off-limits to them.
9. Questers may only hire mercenaries approved by the Quester organization.
10. No Quester may act as a double-agent or spy for or against the enemy.
11. No one may sign the Manifesto under a fake identity, or forge another's signature.
12. No other document but this one governs a true Quester, save for legal documents of the APN.
13. Attempting to circumvent any of these rules can bring harsh punishment to the Quester in question.

These rules are enforced in a variety of ways; whether they be by the alliance of pro-Nintendus nations (APN), or by Questers themselves. Offenses to these rules are immediately dealt with by the full weight of either organization; the main action, of course, to undo the breaking rather than punish the one who has done it. Of course, should the breaker not accept a number of options (which include a peaceful leaving of the Questers, disbandment of their organization, or otherwise ceasing the activity) and not be open to any sort of negotiations, then they will have to at least arrested; at most, they may be killed.

Prohibitions on Dangerous Magic and Technology

When it is not a question of loyalty, almost always it has to do with these sorts of things. A Quester activates some sort of dangerous artifact which corrupts their mind; a transformer is used to create an evil alter-ego; they accidentally drink poison and go insane. These rules and regulations are in place to avoid recurring events under this header. Generally, they aren't so much poised to punish offenders as they are to stop the usage of such things.

1. No Quester may use an unknown artifact which has not been listed as a 'mission item' first, or that a qualified official has not identified as safe to use.
2. No transformers, doublers, power rods, magitek, phazon, X-zone shields/guns, Emeralds (chaos, time, sol, AND Master), time machines, mind altering devices, planetary power control systems, weapons of planetary destruction, summoning spells, or similar devices may be constructed or used without previous consent from HQ, or without it being an emergency.

Unlike the earlier rules, these are basically a call to prevent the misuse of these devices and magic things. Those caught using them illegally will have the forbidden object in particular confiscated and themselves put under medical surveillance/imprisoned to ensure they are not corrupted or otherwise damaged by their contact. The usage of various magic to prevent access to these may be used afterwards if the user happens to continue looking for such things. Also, artifacts found to have no 'good' use are to be destroyed.

Limitations on Magic

The above magic and technology is forbidden; but some magic is still used. Its usage was regulated by the Mage Council, which was formed autonomously after The Void's unconditional defeat. However, The Void later re-emerged and took on the form of Diolize, making their power null and void. The rules have been changed to reflect this.

1. Spells of the Dark Energy Wave class are suggested for use only in dire situations.
2. Spells which damage the space-time continuum are to only be used in the safest manner, and those who use them should realize it may harm them more than their foe.
3. Magic may not be used to revive beings who have been dead for more than a year, or beings who are notorious for violating the laws, or beings who are well-known to be evil and nefarious. That said, it is valid to revive those of a good heart or purpose, no matter how long they have been dead.
4. Spells which create uncontrollable plagues are forbidden.
5. Spells may not be used to empower weapons of mass destruction without consent from the Quester staff.
6. Excessive use of mimicking spells is forbidden, mainly because it is 'annoying'.

Diolize generally only comes down if you're really causing a mess, and even then, only if it is extremely out of line. However, he is neutral in this, and thus, his intervention is rare.

Wholeness of Nations

A great deal of problems have come into existance merely from the existance of a nation which takes up most of the planet's surface. It has been discovered such occurrences allow many of the above rules to be broken by everyone, which generally causes chaos, and thus, the likes of The Void. Thus, a set of rules is made to ensure no one has too much control; those who violate this are generally subject to the Questers and the APN attacking them.

1. No nation may take up more than 33% of the planet's known surface.
2. No nation may take over another nation, even in self defense.
3. Allegiance to former villainous nations (Magellean Empire, The Void, Divine Empire of Kuja, WACKO, Quester Hunters, Apocalypse Group, Thirteen Gentlemen, The -fake- Solarian Empire) is forbidden.
4. No weapons of mass destruction are permitted to be used against other 'good' nations, except if their use is in the defense of that nation.
5. No nation may sneak attack another.
6. When in defense, a nation may only take the same amount of land of another nation that it itself has been attacked on.
7. No nation may have a tyrannical Dictatorship or otherwise be controlled by entirely one person.
8. No nation may manipulate the world economy to its destruction.
9. The space above one nation belongs to that nation; none may claim control over outer space itself, though. Extra-terrestial areas fall outside the APN's jurisdiction.

These rules are enforced doubly by Questers and the APN; a great many offenders pop up all the time, and so it is used to tell friend from foe. Enemy nations which flaunt such rules may be the target of mass destruction weapons should they near the takeover of a nation which posesses one, and that would most likely lead to their destruction.

Former Smashers and Questers

Even under this system, a good number of former members arises. They are to be ensured of good faith by these rules; they have more freedom but can be watched at times. The Smashers themselves are usually good, but the former Questers seem to have a far higher instance of betrayal. For this reason, most Questers stay on board until they are to return to their home world.

1. Former Smashers no longer have their moves uploaded and distributed to fans; the practice is, in fact, illegal.
2. Former Smashers no longer must fight each other; they have been sent back to their home lands, though they may occasionally battle in exhibition tournaments.
3. The Quester HQ is now THE Quester HQ; the Questers do not protect the Stadium, for it is formally abolished.
4. It is to now be known as merely 'The Questers' Arena' which is to be used for tournaments and exhibition matches.
5. No fans will be recruited for Questers; rather, due to a lingering instability in the dimensional fabric, new Questers solely come from strange portals...
6. Former Questers are to be immediately destroyed if they betray the APN, though they are otherwise not bound by the rules of this document.
7. Former Questers may rejoin the Questers, however such will be permanent until dismissed by Metal. Former Smashers are just that; no new Smashers exist.
8. Only approved combatants may fight in the arena at approved times with approved arena settings.
9. The Questers are to protect NINTENDUS instead of their facilities; their scope is broadened to include anything which may concern them or the APN. This includes minor things like lost belongings to intergalactic space alien invasions.
10. Former Questers may return home through a portal in Atlantis.
11. Former Questers, unless otherwise pardoned, must either return home or rejoin the Questers.
12. Rules may change at any time.
13. Questers may quit and become former Questers if they disagree with newly made rules at the time they are made.

The rules here are only enforced by the Questers; the APN has no resources to deal with this. There are no more Smashers; the tournament has been abolished for letting the world become open to attack while the protectors of Nintendus are too busy fighting each other. Of course, Nintendus is too large even for all the Smashers to protect; the Questers, thus, are hired out to deal with concerns too small or too big or just too weird for them to deal with. An index of former Questers and Smashers is kept in the library.